Celebrity Blog Addiction

A topic I feel passionate about, I don’t even know where to start. I’m caught between knowing what is right, but failing to comply with that knowledge. I work in an office - typical sitting at a computer all day gig - and when there are no more PO’s that need stapling to packing slips, and all the photocopying is done, and the logs are logged, and the phone is quiet, I check emails, my bank account info, and my Google Reader to see which of my friends have updated their blog. When I’ve read all the posts, watched all the videos and left my comments in their little boxes, I somehow, no matter how much I feel it’s wrong, end up on the celebrity blogs.

The two sites I visit are Egotastic, and Dlisted (I don’t even want to hyperlink them because I feel bad to promote them, you know how to find them on your own anyhow). If I think back hard, I believe the first time I visited Egotastic was when I searched for those first Britney up skirt photos (that bold and forceful beginning of the up-skirt revolution). There was just so much talk about it, I had to see. (Wrong, I know). Or, I was sent there when searching for my beloved Angelina. One of those two. I blogged a crude post about how disturbing it is that I can click on “up skirts” and be taken into the world of paparazzi-shot-hollywood-vagina. I was upset about the whole thing, upset that there were websites dedicated to this type of thing, but for some sick reason, I didn’t stop visiting them.

In my defense, I like Egotastic because it always posts the latest magazine covers. If a celebrity like Angelina is on the cover of Allure, I’ll know, and I’ll know fast. I’ll get to see the photos, and blog them, and be happy to see new images of her. But, as far as things I like about it, there is nothing else. In my quest to find new mag covers, I come across “bikini” photos, to see who has cellulite, who might be pregnant, who has a tight ass, etc. Then there are “so and so drunk in public/in or out of rehab” bits, and the cherished “listen to what stupid name so and so named their kid” type of stuff. None of this matter in real life, obviously, but what keeps me going back for more?

If I had to honestly answer that, I’d say 80% boredom, 10% curiosity, and 10% I DON'T KNOW WHAT. My rational self tells me that there are more important things in life than celebrity trash - and not to say that all things related to celebrities are trash, but the trash that is made out of their lives - but another part of me continues to visit. Am I that brainwashed?

I made a promise to myself a few months ago that I would stop visiting the blogs. I decided that I can’t pass judgment on the people who create the blogs or the paparazzi if I am willingly contributing to their work. I broke that promise when I started this office job, and need to re-promise myself that I won’t go back. My one hit a day keeps these people in action and therefore I lose the right to complain about it, no?

Published by Everything Magazine


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