A Postcard From Janice to Bill


The weather here is great. I swam with dolphins and met a couple from Guatemala. They’re on their honeymoon and won’t quit it with the smooching. Nice people, but I’m about this close to puking over it.

Let me get to the point, Bill. I’ve been giving us some serious thought and after riding Rudy’s back –one of the dolphins—I realized that we’re probably not right for each other. Truth is, Bill, the dolphin trainer, Jose, told me that my aura’s weak. He told me that it’s begging for some freedom, some clarity. Said that when he watched me ride Rudy’s back he could see my soul. I won’t lie to you, Bill, ‘cause you deserve better than that, but I let Jose take me for dinner the other night. I resisted a number of times Bill, believe me, I did, but he insisted he’d help me find myself. I need to know who I am Bill, you yourself know how lost I’ve been feeling. This trip is making me more alive than I’ve ever felt in my whole life. What I’m saying is, you don’t want me to feel dead inside, do you Bill? In time I know you’ll find someone who’s already found themselves. For the love of God, Bill, please try to understand.
I hope this postcard finds you well. I don’t know when or if I’ll ever be back.

Sincere Regards,



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